Led by Prairie Dog Film + Television’s Ron E. Scott, who serves as showrunner, director and executive producer on the series, Tribal follows a newly appointed Tribal Police Force chief (played by Frontier‘s Jessica Matten) and her broken-down Metro Police detective partner (Unspeakable‘s Brian Markinson) as they investigate First Nation crime stories based on real cases.
Adam Frost serves as co-executive producer alongside Prairie Dog Film + Television’s Janet Hamley, while Tribal is produced by the company’s Scott Lepp. Writers include Scott, Frost, Adriana Capozzi and Jason Filiatrault.
Tribal was officially announced in May 2019 and was renewed in February 2020 ahead of its premiere on APTN that month. Season one ran for eight episodes.
Notably, season two sees the duo question who they can trust after a grisly discovery and deal with other developments such as a new task force leader and the further divide between their two police departments.
Both cast and crew are following COVID-19 health and safety protocols, according to a press release. Producer Lepp also told Playback Daily that the show has engaged a COVID safety consulting firm to develop, enforce and adapt protocols to ensure a safe workplace. Production is expected to wrap in February 2021.
In addition to Matten and Markinson, Garry Chalk and Julian Black Antelope are also set to return. As well, new cast members include Marci T. House, Stephen Huszar, Wesley French and Ashley Callingbull.
Produced in participation with the Canada Media Fund and the Rogers Cable Network Fund, Tribal is also made with assistance from the Government of Alberta, the Screen-based Production Grant and the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit.
Image: Tribal season one